Session 3: Creative Specializations of Russian Cities and Regions
October 27
YouTube live stream recording
The session is intended to discuss the development of creative specializations in Russian cities and regions: the importance and conditions of their formation, positive effects for the city and the region, support measures and features of functioning in various cities.
Questions for discussion:
1. Can creative industries play the role of the main specialization for cities and regions of Russia?
2. Successful practices in the development of creative specializations in the Russian regions.
3. External effects of the development of creative industries.
4. Creative specializations for small towns and large agglomerations: are there any differences?
5. Institutions and mechanisms for the development of creative specializations.
Moderator: Evgeny Kutsenko, HSE University, Russia
14:00 | Creative Industries in Russian Cities: Key Indicators and Development Features. Presentation of Preliminary Research Results
Victoria Boos, Russian Cluster Observatory, HSE University, Russia
14:15 | Mutually Beneficial Cooperation Between the State and Creative Business: the Example of Moscow
Andrey Zheleznyakov, Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of the City of Moscow, Russia
14:30 | The Role of Creative Industries in the Strategic Development of Russian Cities
Anton Finogenov, DOM.RF Foundation
14:45 | Creative Clusters of the Tyumen Region. Management Model, Key Performance Indicators
Alexey Kraev, Agency for the Development of Creative Industries
of the Tyumen Region, Russia -
15:00 | Successful Creative Educational Projects in Kabardino-Balkaria
Albert Saralp, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov
15:15 | Yakut Approach to the Development of the Creative Economy
Afanasy Savvin, JSC «Development Corporation of the Republic
of Sakha (Yakutia)», Russia -
15:30 | Is There a Chance for Russian Cities to Create a New Specialization Based on Creative Industries?
Yulia Rybakova, Rostourism
15:45 | Enogastronomic Specialization of the Region — Myth or Reality
Leonid Gelibterman, International Center of Wine and Gastronomy
16:00 | Discussion and closing remarks